
♦ life in a suitcase ♦

the dream dictionary from a to z

Publicerad 2012-03-18 21:21:35 i thoughts

dream about a telephone:

"in dreams, telephones are symbols of communication or the desire to make contact with an aspect of yourself or someone else. if you were speaking on the phone, try to recall to whom you were speaking and what the conversation was about. if you repeatedly dial a number but cannot get through, this suggests an element of frustration in your life. if a telephone rings continually but remains unanswered in a dream, there is a chance that you may be ignoring some issue or problem in your life by refusing to hear or see it. if you are contacted by telephone, this suggests information is avilable to you that you do not consciously know.
if you go to a telephone box but find no telephone inside, this suggests that you are missing some vital clue or piece of information that would help you in walking life. if you dialled a number but nobody picked up, do you feel as if your point of view isn't being heard? if you called the emergency services are you in need of support or help? if the telephone is larger than usual, this may represent yourself but it may also be an indication that you will soon need to convey an important message. if you dream of a telephone answering machine, this may be tied to the notion of passing or avoiding responsibility for something you need in walking life.
a cell phone has similiar associations with a telephone, but with the added association of urgency or emergency or fear of being left out or not included in your close circle of friends. if you cannot or will not answer your phone, this suggests that people are finding it hard to get through to you; you may also be feeling alone and vulnerable in walking life. if an emergency call figures in your dream, this suggests that you or someone you know is reaching out for help. it could also indicate some kind of moral dilemma.
if you know the telephone number you are ringing in your dream, it suggests an attempt to communicate with the person whose number it is. if you do not know the number it may be that the numbers are significant. some people believe that dreaming of receiving a telephone call is lucky. if you dream of making a call, it suggest that there will be postponements and delays in walking life. long-distance calls are said to bring happiness. fax machines and faxes are may represent unexpected things arising out of your unconscious or the need to communicate with someone." 


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sandra, bosatt i örnsköldsvik sedan 18 år tillbaka. drömmer om att få upptäcka världen och hjälpa andra. tycker om mina vänner, festligheter, musik, ord och foto. bloggar om känslor, händelser och sådant som jag anser är fint.

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